Cathedral of Leon.
This is the Cathedral of Leon. The blueprints of the original church intended for Leon were changed by mistake during the trip from Spain, and the big cathedral which was planned for Lima, Peru was built in Leon (a very small town at that time). And the small church was built in Lima, a big city.
So, the leoneses are very proud of their huge cathedral, with laberinths and graves undearneath the ground. I was surprised to see that the bells are tolled manually! They sound just so beautiful, even though I don't get to listen to them very often. Unlike the church near our house that when the bells are tolling it sounds like a hammer against a tuna can. (And I'm being nice). Let me tell you how annoying it is to hear these bells EVERY DAY AT 5:30 AM! And then at 5:45 AM including Saturdays and Sundays! The truth is I think I'm converting into a Lutheran, Jehova Witness or something that prohibits bell tolling.
Esta es la catedral de Leon. Los planos que eran para la iglesia que se construiria en Leon, (un pueblo muy pequeno en esa epoca) fueron cambiados por error durante el viaje desde Espana. La catedral era originalmente para Lima, Peru que era un pueblo bien grande. Asi que Leon quedo con una gran catedral y Lima con una iglesia bien pequenita.
Entonses los leoneses son muy orgullosos de su grandiosa catedral con laberintos y tumbas por debajo del suelo. Me sorprendi mucho cuando vi que las campanas las hacen sonar manualmente. Suenan bellisimo. No tengo mucha oportunidad de oirlas sonar, no como las campanas de la iglesia cerca a nuestra casa que suenan como un martillo estrellandose contra un pote de atun. (Y no estoy exagerando). Es muy, muy molestoso oirlas sonar TODOS LOS DIAS a las 5:30AM, y luego a las 5:45 AM, incluyendo Sabados y Domingos. La verdad es que me estoy convirtiendo a Luterana o Testigos de Jehova o a la religion que sea que tenga una prohibicion con el toque de campanas.
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